Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Cheese No. 3

I am currently living on an island with no grocery store so my cheese-buying has been restricted of late. However, yesterday I had to go "cityside" so I was able to pick up something new to try:

Low-fat Cheddar (7% B.F.) with Onion, Riverside Cheese & Butter Co. (Trenton, ON), $10.99/lb

Yes, it seems wrong to be highlighting a cheese that's the antithesis of cheese but it was actually pretty good, though incredibly crumbly when sliced. I ate most of it in sandwiches with organic pea sprouts and the onion flavouring made them interesting. Also, it wasn't bland like other low-fat cheeses I've tried, though it did suffer from the same problem all low-fat cheeses do: it dried out fairly quickly.

I had wanted to try something more adventurous but I was pressed for time and when faced with a large selection of cheeses behind glass, a store I dislike, and an overly attentive salesgirl, I choked. Fortunately, while she was slicing my selection, I discovered the dollar basket and I picked up something far fattier with a proper rind that I will try tomorrow. (Unfortunately, I can't remember the name and it's in a faraway fridge so you will just have to wait until then.)

I've also been asked to pick up some pumpernickel for S. & F. so I may try to hit the St. Lawrence Market on my way to the ferry after work. That could be dangerous...

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